Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
What In The Cell Is Going On - 06.23.20
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Special co-host guest Dr. A. True Ott interviews Karl Schwarz concerning the nuts and bolts of exactly WHY and HOW the world's elite (aka the Deep State) has produced what is undoubtedly the biggest single racketeering HOAX ever perpetrated on mankind in history. Most people cannot fathom how it is even remotely possible for such a hoax to be orchestrated so very successfully worldwide - and thus in their cognitive dissonant state they tend to relegate the facts (aka truth) as nothing but nonsensical "conspiracy theory". Yet, the facts are crystal clear if one will only look deeper. There can be no reasonable doubt that COVID 19 is a despicable gambit designed to redistribute wealth and power, while further disenfranchising and even killing the common folk. Listen and share this interview widely for it is only through sound understanding of truth can this devilish gambit be peacefully overcome and the international rule of law upheld.